If you are into credit cards for your day to day purchases, then, most likely you are collecting reward points, cashback, lounge access, free movie tickets, etc., with your credit card. Many of us are holding multiple credit cards, so that we can use the best card for our purchase.
Once you have a lot of credit cards in your portfolio, it can easily get overwhelming. How about having some useful apps that can instantly tell you which card to use for getting maximum benefits? In today’s post, we will look at some helpful credit card management apps that can not only recommend you the best card, but also let you know about the lounge access, loyalty programs, etc.
FinTalks Credit Card Spends Tracker:
FinTalks developed an excel sheet that you can use to track your monthly / annual credit card spends. You just need to enter your monthly bill amount manually each month, and it will do the job for you. This excel sheet is for manual use, it doesn’t ask for any sensitive information. Click here to read more details. (You need to Log In to FinTalks Forum to access it, so please Sign Up/Login)
This app makes it easier to search for the best credit card for a particular transactions from the cards you have in your wallet. You have to add the names of the cards you own, and it will save them to your account. Then you can choose any merchant where you are transacting (they have and exhaustive list) and it will show you all the cashback or reward points that you will earn from it. Milestone benefits are also tracked. Try it out.
Website Link: Click here
App Link: Android (not available) | iOS
Dreamfolks Webaccess Airport / Railway Lounge:
If you need a place where you can track all the airport and railway lounge access, spa access etc. that you have on your credit cards, Dreamfolks is the best place for that. You can also generate QR Codes to access these airport or railway lounges from Dreamfolks. Give it a try.
Website Link: Click here
Fold Money:
This is not just a Credit Card management app, but also an overall expense tracker. Fold Money is an all-round money management app, and it has multiple features.
- You can connect all your bank accounts, and view regular cash in-flows and out-flows. You can tag the transactions as you want, and get a concrete idea of your savings and expenses.
- You can connect all your credit cards and it will automatically fetch your credit card statements each month via Gmail. (Note: This feature is live for Axis, BOB, HDFC, HSBC, ICICI, IDFC, Kotak, SBI, and Yes Bank Credit Cards as of October 2024. It will soon be extended for other credit cards)
- You can connect your Mutual Funds Investments, Stocks, and ETF. Insurance Policy tracking is coming soon (as of October 2024).
Website Link: Click here
App Link: Android | iOS
This app is like a Wikipedia of Credit Cards, containing information about all popular credit cards. This is developed by Technofino team. You can try it out.
App Link: Android | iOS (currently under closed beta testing, not LIVE for public)
SaveSage Club:
Apart from showing you credit card details, this app will track your lounge and loyalty programs, airmiles, and more. This is helpful for HNI individuals, luxury travelers, etc. However, this app has a paid upgrade to access all the features.
Website Link: Click here
App Link: Android | iOS
[BONUS] Credit Card Holders:
Well, if you are holding a lot of credit cards, then you probably cannot store them all in your wallet. Also, it doesn’t make sense to carry all your cards wherever you go. So, its best to get a credit card holder and store your cards. Here’s some of the best credit card holders.
- RFID, Metal, PopUp 7 Credit Card Slots Holder (₹114)
- RFID, 12 Credit Card Slots, Leather Credit Card Holder with Zip (₹399)
- 28 Credit Card Slots, Leather Credit Card Holder (₹179)
- Stainless Steel 6 Credit Card Slots, 10 Visiting Card Holder (₹249)
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