Upgrade Amazon Pay ICICI Credit Card with Shared Limits (Expression CC Trick)

Convert your Expressions Card to Platinum by Calling them and tell that I want to close my Expression CC reason annual charge after that they take your request. Now wait for a call from there side in which they ask you for confirmation to close cc in this call you say that i want Platinum CC reason annual charge they will take your closure request and also platinum cc request after that wait for 1-2 working days it automatically issued.

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Thank you for your valuable inputs @RohitKumar.

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MMT card is now charged @ 2500+ gstā€¦ is it worth applying for now? Also canā€™t find anywhere that in coral card thereā€™s only 1 year charge and free from next year onwardsā€¦ need opinion.

@adv_mhardik_212, No, For MMT Signature- Rs.2500+GST & For MMT Platinum- Rs.500+GST. MMT Cards are Free from Next Year Onwards.
Coral is Only Free from Next Year Onwards when you Spent 1.5 Lakh in the Previous Year.

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Its been 5 days since Cancellation/Retention team took request for LTF platinum, no update after that, did you receive your card?

Yes, I received that. In 1-2 working days itā€™s showed in your iMobile App and Netbanking. when card is issued Also you received a mail and Message that usage control.

Service Request was created , but its in Open Status for me since Monday. ICICI CC says it takes 5 working days maximum.

I think they wont issue it to me :sweat_smile:

Maybe, But Wait For It.

Finally on Day 5 , the usage limits email, i can see.

I got MMT Platinum and Coral based on Amazon pay card (by calling customer care directly, they were also offering rubyx and sapphiro which i didnt want), without having to go through expressions trick, then i tried to cancel coral and they are sending me LTF platinum (even though my coral is not cancelled)

Congratulations :partying_face: :tada: :clap: Trick Worked