No. Generally HDFC does not allow 2 cc. Only exception is Tata Neu HDFC credit card. Try applying that. If not now you will surely get it within 6 months.
Issuance of new credit card with shared limit will be subject to Bank’s internal policy guidelines.
The individual limit for the new credit card will be subject to availability of limit in the existing card.
Available credit limit will be determined basis the utilization either on the Primary card or Floater
Credit card or both cumulatively upto Primary/Existing Credit Card Credit limit.
Separate bill statements shall be generated for Primary Credit Card (Existing Credit Card) and Floater
Credit Card on same/different dates with respective Minimum Due Amount (MAD) and Total
Amount Due (TAD), due date as applicable.
Outstanding amount bill shall be paid to the respective Credit Card account as applicable. In case of
incorrect/excess payment made to either of the Credit Cards, the same shall not be adjusted
towards outstanding amount of the other Credit card at HDFC Bank’s end.
Non-repayment of outstanding on either of the card (s) separately, shall lead to applicable charges
inline with the Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC) for credit cards.
Reward points accrual is as per the respective Credit Card features and they cannot be transferred
between the existing Credit card and the Floater Credit card. The reward redemption norms shall be
applicable as per the existing Credit card guidelines.
Limit enhancement / reduction on either of the cards shall apply to the Primary Credit Card (Existing
Credit Card) as well.
OVL (Over Limit) fee shall be levied only when the outstanding amount exceeds the customer
account level credit limit and not the sum of the credit limits of the existing Credit Card and Floater
Credit card.
Cash limit shall be applicable at the respective Credit Card variant level. However, it can be utilized
upto the Cash limit available at the customer account level in either of the Credit cards or
cumulatively between both the Credit cards
If the existing Credit card has availed Temporary Limit Enhancement (LE) at the time of floater
application processing, the Floater Credit card application shall be declined.
I shall register for autopay (if required) for the floater Credit card separately.
I am aware that I will not be eligible to apply for Add-on credit cards.
If the mailing address on Floater credit card is different from the existing/primary credit card, I
consent to replicate/update the same mailing address to my existing/primary credit card.
For respective card variants, Terms and Conditions in the Most Important Terms & Conditions
(MITC) document & Card Member Agreement (CMA) for Credit Cards, shall be applicable.